04-CSA Mo

Join us as we hear about the successes of the first 3 Impact Clay Train mobile service deployments in Keystone Heights, Clay Hill and Orange Park!

Our Vision

Clay SafetyNet Vision - Expand the platform of committed social service partners among faith-based, nonprofit, for-profit and local government organizations, regularly networking together to share resources, avoid duplication and create partnerships, in order to find solutions and improve services within Clay County.


Intentionally making attendance of the monthly networking meeting a priority in oder to connect with stakeholders who perform social services in Clay County, such as local government agencies, nonprofit organizations and faith-based groups.


Where can information be found with regard to the social services and resources to help people in crisis in a county? A person/family in crisis most often have a basket full of needs. In order to guide that person/family to self-sufficiency, a thorough knowledge of a county's resources is needed. Consistent communication is needed to gain a thorough knowledge of a county's resources.


The needs within any community are far too great for any one organization to deal with. In order to remove the underlying causes of poverty and dependency on social services, local government agencies, nonprofit organizations and faith-based groups need to collaborate together to avoid duplication of services, establish productive partnerships and complementing services.